A bunch of readers have contacted me about comments threads not appearing in New Zealand and Australia, due to Blogger now redirecting blogspot.com to blogspot.co.nz and blogspot.co.au.
This causes a compatibility failure with Disqus, our third-party commenting system. For comments to load correctly, one must be viewing the blog at blogspot.com, and Bekitty's fix doesn't appear to be working anymore.
I'm so desperately sorry for the inconvenience, but it is, unfortunately, nothing over which I have any control, short of relocating Shakesville to its own server, which didn't work out so well last time I tried it.
You can contact Blogger to politely ask them to fix the problem by tweeting at them @blogger.
UPDATE: Shaker Flunkette in Australia writes: "What has been working for me (and is still working now) is to take the '.au' off the end of the url when it redirects me, and putting '/ncr' there instead, and pressing enter. If I right-click on post titles from that page and select 'open link in new tab', the page in the new tab allows me to view and post comments."
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