Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by concrete.

Recommended Reading:

Susie: A Tribute to Václav Havel

Peter: Václav Havel on Kim Jong-Il

Pam: [TW for racism and violence] Ohio Landlord Posts 'Whites Only' Pool Sign—It's 'Historical' and She's 'Sticking Up for [Her] White Rights'

Nadya: [TW for sexual and emotional abuse] Time Could Be Right for Yemen to Ban Child Marriage

Biyuti: [TW for Western imperialism and appropriation] Gender Imperialism

Melissa: Meryl Streep on the Narrowing of the Film Audience

Fannie: [TW for biphobia] Anti-Feminists Discover TOP SECRET Feminist Ideas

Michael and Christian: Sweating Bullets: Body Scanners Can See Perspiration as a Potential Weapon

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...

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