Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

Daily Dose of Cute

We've had quite the thunderstorm here in Ellis County, TX over the past 18 hours. On top of that, we are coming off of the worst heat wave/drought in 30 years or so. There is now a rushing river behind my parents' house, where before there was just a dry gulch. Storms after droughts spell flash-flood warnings, so that means even the kitties who usually stay outside get comfy indoor nesting areas during weather advisories. We don't want any casualties!

This was the scene at our place at 5:20 this morning, as lightning and sheets of rain raged over the floodplain outside:

a black, white, and brown king charles spaniel sits on a brown leather couch

Dougie, age 4: "You expect me to go squat where now?"

an orange-and-whie cat peers up at the camera from a plaid-lined stroller in a dimly-lit room

Frobozz, age 12: "I ain't going out there neither, human--I'm fine right here in my stroller. ANY QUESTIONS?"

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