Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Florida Primary Night Open Thread

OMG, y'all! Are you as firmly ensconced in the compelling grip of excitement as I am?! I HOPE YOU ARE! It's gonna be another real nail-biter to see whether it will be the super rich and super privileged white guy, or the OTHER super rich and super privileged white guy who wins in Florida tonight! I CAN'T WAIT!

(Full Disclosure: I can totally wait.)

Just to give you some idea of HOW EXCITING things are in Florida right now, here is a picture of Mitt Romney ON THE PHONE!

Get out the vote...with GREAT JOKES!

Anyway! I can't wait to see what happens tonight! So many possibilities... Mitt Romney could win and go on to get the Republican nomination! Mitt Romney could lose and go on to get the Republican nomination! What a wild ride we've got ahead of us, Shakers!

Bring it on, Iowa New Hampshire South Carolina Florida!

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