Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Today in Totally Not Terrorism

[Content Note: Anti-choice terrorism.]

There are a lot of things that don't get called terrorism in this country, but chief among them is the anti-choice movement, which is the most brazen, unapologetic terrorist campaign in the US, its co-ordination and orchestration done right out in the open, where no one in the media or politics will call it what it is. It is an inherently violent ideology, backed by a decades-long campaign of intimidation, harassment and violence directed at abortion providers and abortion seekers, that is ignored by one party and mainstreamed as a central plank of its party platform by the other.

And still, every goddamn episode of blatant terrorism against women's clinics is treated like an isolated incident.

Today, another story about a fire at a women's clinic in Pensacola, Florida—a clinic which has already been bombed twice and was the site of the fatal shootings of Dr. John Britton and clinic escort James Barrett—and CNN manages to report it without ever using the word "terrorism" in its piece.

Again, this despite the fact that it has already been the site of two terrorist attacks, and in spite of Pensacola Police Chief Chip Simmons having told the Pensacola News-Journal that to call the fire suspicious "would be an understatement."
"Obviously somebody doesn't like abortion," resident Danielle Moulden told WEAR. "I'm against it myself, but I'd never go that far."
Well, at least we got to hear from someone who's against abortion. That's the important thing.

[H/T to @OnTheIssues.]

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