Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Wednesday Blogaround

This blogaround, and a heck of a lot of other things including life itself, are brought to you by carbon.

Cath: Carbon nanotubes create wearable sensors

Batocchio: Jon Swift Memorial Roundup 2011

Kate Harding: You are awful too. Kate's post was sparked by this piece by Rebecca Watson discussing the recent gender-based bullying of a 15-year-old girl on Reddit's atheism subreddit. [Content note: misogyny and threats of sexual violence]

Esther Choi: Private Danny Chen, and why I will never again reach out to OWS about something that matters to me. [Content note: hazing violence, suicide at the link about the eight soldiers charged in Chen's death]

Stacy Mitchell: Eaters, beware: Walmart is taking over our food system

Jorge Rivas: Finally a Rape Prevention Campaign Targeted Towards Men

Rich Barlow: Fungus Found to Be Killer of Little Brown Bats. Barlow notes that Boston University research scientist Thomas "Bat Man" Kunz is being treated for injuries sustained in a car accident. We wish him a complete and speedy recovery.

Brian Switek: The Sloth's Evolutionary Secret

Ed Yong: Parasitic fly spotted in honeybees, causes workers to abandon colonies. [Content note: post contains images and descriptions of bees and parasites]

Wynne Parry: Blame Hitchcock's Crazed Birds on Toxic Algae (via Maud Newton's Twitter feed, which appears in the far-right column on her blog. That's far-right-hand column--nothing to do with Newton could be fairly described as "far-right", fortunately.)

Leave your links in comments!

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